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The To 50 and Beyond podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Lori Massicot, that teaches you and inspires you to live an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. For more information and show notes, please visit my website.

Jan 12, 2022

Episode 191  In this episode, I talk about what the good part of sobriety truly is and why you don't have to wait to experience it. 

I share my story of Day One on 8/11/13 to help you realize that you don't have to be positive and feel GOOD about getting sober to quit drinking. 

Thank you for listening. 

If you are...

Jan 4, 2022

Episode 190 

Happy 2022!

What a way to start the New Year! 

I'm excited to bring you this impactful episode featuring the super-twin duo, my friends Anne and Leigh Walkup.

Anne and Leigh are the founders of Retro Rodeo, Publishing, and the creators of Front Porch Life, a digital magazine that includes stories, recipes,...