Mar 16, 2019
In today's bonus episode, I talk about how we can learn to live with our aging face by doing something daily, as opposed to doing nothing and complaining about our aging.
I share with you my love/hate relationship with my sagging jowls and neck and what I do to make myself feel better.
Also, I talk about the Facial Flex and the Face Yoga Method.
Bottom line: I have tried all the things to take care of my skin but the number of years I lost and gained weight and burned myself as beyond repair. I'm learning to live with an aging face but never rule out anything to make myself feel better.
I hope this helps you!
Try the Facial Flex for 8-weeks to see if it works for you. The link above is an affiliate link, it is the same price as on Amazon, and I get a small commission for referring it.
To order my ebook, Elevate Your Life: Your Road Map To Discover Who You Are Today, go here.
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