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The To 50 and Beyond podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Lori Massicot, that teaches you and inspires you to live an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. For more information and show notes, please visit my website.

Oct 11, 2023

Episode 266 

Hey there! I'm happy you're here! 

I asked my friend, Sondra Primeaux, Founder of The Unruffled to join me as my cohost for this episode to share her experience after she quit drinking and beyond a year of sobriety.

Sondra is a writer, podcaster, photographer, and reuse designer whose passion shines through in everything she creates. 

Much like me, Sondra quit drinking during perimenopause (at 45).

In this episode, we talk about what happened after we chose to stop drinking, how our relationships changed, and how we manage our sobriety today at nine and ten years alcohol-free.  

We also talk about regrets about our drinking, and when sobriety started to "click." 

It's a great conversation! 

As always, thank you for listening. 

To read the full show notes, click here. 


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