Oct 26, 2019
Recovery in the Middle of Life is a Beautiful Gift
Recovering from over drinking, childhood trauma, low self-esteem, overeating, binging, over shopping,
Recovery and an update on Mr. College - my son Spencer.
This episode goes out to you if you are suffering and going back and forth with your drinking and your thoughts to quit drinking.
And, I want to make sure that I clarify my message here and going forward. You can be happy and have everything in life that you want, but you know that alcohol is holding your back, and that is suffering.
You can’t figure out why you keep doing this to yourself.
If you’re like me, unhappy but working hard to seem happy and you’ve had so many rock bottoms, you don’t give them energy because you think BIGGER rock bottoms are heading your way and you are waiting….that is suffering.
I want to talk about what recovery means to me. It’s a different experience for everyone who is alcohol dependent and decides to quit drinking.
Email me for a free private session