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The To 50 and Beyond podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Lori Massicot, that teaches you and inspires you to live an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. For more information and show notes, please visit my website.

Nov 30, 2021

Episode 187 

How do you get in the habit of living an alcohol-free lifestyle? Not just that, but one you enjoy and find great fulfillment in?

It's one thing to quit drinking, it's another thing to do the word so not drinking becomes second nature.

I never thought it would for me, but I decided to prove myself wrong, and...

Nov 23, 2021

Episode 186

In this episode, my wonderful guest, Lindsay Sutherland Boal, tells us about her first year of sobriety and what led to the morning she decided to quit drinking.

We also talk about the different levels of drinking, knowing there is a problem but not being ready to quit, the steps Lindsay took after she quit...

Nov 16, 2021

Episode 185 

Are you ready to stop spinning out into worry and fear of what could go wrong and start focusing on what is really happening at the moment? 

My guest in this episode is the smart and beautiful Lane Kennedy is here to help you start a mindfulness practice, unwind without alcohol, have fun without alcohol,...

Nov 9, 2021

Episode 184

Going alcohol-free isn’t about the finish line, it’s about the path of self-discovery + adventure + a new way of living.

Going alcohol-free *can* be just like going gluten-free. You make a plan not to drink alcohol, and you practice that plan daily. 

Alcohol-free = no alcohol. 

I know, it sounds so easy....

Nov 2, 2021

Episode 183

Women worldwide are giving up alcohol and it’s a personal choice.

I don’t care if you drink two glasses a week or a month or two bottles a night, you have that gut feeling that maybe alcohol isn’t working for you anymore but yet, you’re still drinking. I understand exactly how you feel.

The face of...