Aug 31, 2022
Episode 216
Whether you are a casual drinker, moderate drinking, or heavy drinker, getting and staying sober is one of the most challenging things you can do in life.
Sobriety isn’t taught in school, so when you make the life-changing decision to stop drinking, you may ask, now what?!
If you find yourself in...
Aug 24, 2022
Episode 215
Creating and living an alcohol-free lifestyle is beyond possible later in life, but I sure didn't think it was when I quit drinking in 2013.
I didn't have other women who were working on sobriety which made it difficult in social situations, and my mindset was stuck in "this is forever! how will I ever...
Aug 17, 2022
Episode 214
It’s never too late until it’s too late, Eileen Greene.
I had the pleasure of sitting with Eileen Greene to talk about life, aging, regrets, and practicing acceptance and forgiveness in ourselves and others.
After reading about Eileen and watching her Ted Talk, I knew that her achievements later in...
Aug 10, 2022
Episode 213
I’ve talked about why I quit drinking several times throughout episodes over the years, but I’ve never recorded one episode where my WHY lives.
I’m dedicating this episode to folks - women and men in the middle of life and beyond who are pondering sobriety. For some of you, it may be something you...