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The To 50 and Beyond podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Lori Massicot, that teaches you and inspires you to live an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. For more information and show notes, please visit my website.

Jun 21, 2023

Episode 253 


If you feel like you aren’t moving in the direction of where you want to be in 2023, (join the club and) listen to this episode today! 

We all feel off track sometimes, and taking time to reflect helps us find more peace and clarity and get focused on what matters most in our lives. 

 There is no better...

Jun 14, 2023

Episode 252 

Hello, friend! 

I'm happy you are here. 

Today, I'm talking with Pam Sherman of The Perfect Balance Guru about finding that sweet spot with our nutrition and exercise in midlife and beyond. 

Pam is a certified trainer and instructor since 1997, author, media contributor, and motivational speaker.

In this...

Jun 7, 2023

Episode 251 

Hello, friend. 

Thank you for being here today. 

In this episode of To 50 and Beyond, I’m honored to share my guest, Dr. Constance Scharff. 

Today, Dr. Scharff shares her personal story of recovering from the trauma of being sexually abused by her father and her addiction to alcohol. Dr. Scharff breaks...