Dec 17, 2019
Episode 95
Acceptance + Willingness - Which Comes First?
Join the conversation that I share today where I talk about acceptance of your willingness to change, and your willingness to accept what isn't working in your life.
Thank you so much for listening!
Topics include:
1. What are you accepting in your life?
2. What is your willingness to change what isn't working
3. What may be holding you back from taking the first step towards change?
4. Choosing a word of the year and why it's a good idea
5. Why you should step into acceptance + willingness with fear and self-doubt until you are willing to believe there is something BIG waiting for you
Need an extra boost to put yourself first? Download and listen to my Star episode here.
Are you ready to make a big pivot in your life and explore what living without alcohol looks and feels like?
Join ELEVATE today and get started creating the life you want to LIVE without escaping.
Email me with any questions or to set up a free coaching session.
I'm here for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me to ask for help. I know it's hard to change, but it's so worth the effort it takes to make you feel happier and free in the long-run.