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The To 50 and Beyond podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Lori Massicot, that teaches you and inspires you to live an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. For more information and show notes, please visit my website.

Jan 19, 2019

In this bonus, Sitch on Saturday, I'm talking about how fast the year is already going and how I learned on the radio how much time the average American spends doing this one task that could save us a ton of time. 

If you feel like you need a reboot already, it's okay, you are not alone.  I have been going back to some of my old ways in 2019 and that is the reason I'm sharing this message with you. 

Please consider rating the podcast if you like what you have heard.  You can rate the podcast on iTunes by simply clicking on To50&Beyond podcast and hitting the empty stars. 

I appreciate you and thank you for listening. 

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