Feb 26, 2019
Episode 54
Overcoming an Opiate Addiction as a Nurse and Mom with Jeanette Karren
Get ready for a story of hope and healing and overcoming addiction to live life fully as a mom and Nurse.
My friend, Jeannette Karren, is a Nurse specializing in Obstetrics, and a mom to three grown children.
In this episode, Jeanette shares her story of addiction to opiates which began while she was working in a hospital. What led Jeanette to years of addiction was a day where she accidentally put a patients pills in her pocket and went home with them.
After this day, Jeanette became addicted to opiates which in turn made her lose her nursing license and go through painful withdrawals.
As a mom, Jeanette speaks openly about the addiction that has also affected two of her children. She shares what she has done to help her girls in their recovery which includes setting serious boundaries.
If you are a parent who is struggling with a child that is going through addiction, please listen to this episode.
Jeanette now has 7 years of sobriety and her girls are newly sober and working on their recovery daily.
There is hope in ALL areas of addiction.
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