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The To 50 and Beyond podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Lori Massicot, that teaches you and inspires you to live an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. For more information and show notes, please visit my website.

Feb 28, 2024

Episode 282 

Hey there! 

I'm happy you're here. 

Today, we are exploring the concept of giving yourself permission to do and not do what you want.

If it sounds silly, let it be! 

This episode is inspired by a group coaching meeting that I recently hosted inside my community, Team Alcohol-Free. 

In this episode, I talk...

Feb 21, 2024

Episode 281 

Hey there! 

Today, I'm sharing a reintroduction to the podcast as it turned 6 this week! 

I also give you an update on life as a 56 year old sober woman. I share my thoughts, discoveries as I've gotten older, and why and how I maintain long-term sobriety. 

I talk about what I consider midlife, and how I...

Feb 14, 2024

Episode 280 

Coach Helen Bennett is here with us to share her story of disordered eating, including binging and purging, and how she started to find freedom and heal her relationship with food. 

I invited Helen to the podcast because I appreciate her compassionate approach to using practical tools to get started...

Feb 7, 2024

Episode 279 

Have you ever found yourself questioning your relationship with alcohol?

It's not like your drinking is “that bad,” but it's far from being something you can manage and still feel your best as you get older.

You've noticed some downsides to your drinking, but quitting altogether feels like a big leap.