Mar 27, 2018
Instagram is a place for engaging and connecting with other women who share the same interests and lifestyle as you. By using Instagram, I have changed my life. I know, it sounds so corny and dramatic, but it is true.
In this short episode, I share my journey to finding IG and also how I have found my TRIBE. This is the first of many episodes around social media in (mid) life. I believe it is a powerful resource for so many of us who feel alone and isolated in our struggles and what we are fearful of being judged about.
Step outside of your comfort zone and start living the life you have always imagined for yourself. Instagram is not required, but it may be helpful in getting started.
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To join my 30 Day Group Coaching Program and get in on the free week and 1;1 strategy call, please visit the Transformation Tribe and get started today.